Miten swappi lasketaan?
Swap is calculated by taking the difference between the respective interest rates in the currency pair being traded and adding FxPro's commission fee for rolling over the position to the next trading day. The result can either be positive or negative depending on the instrument.
Swap is calculated and charged once every weekday, however, to account for weekends, a triple charge will take place on Wednesday for FX & metals, and on Friday for other instruments.
Swap fee for FX= Pip value X swap value in points] / 10
Swap fee for Non-FX instruments= Lot size X Swap Value X Number of nights.
For Shares and Cryptos, the swap fee is displayed as an annual percentage. Therefore the calculation is slightly different.
Swap fee for Shares= No.Of Nights X No.Of Shares X Share Last Price X Annual Percentage charge / 360
Swap fee for Cryptos= number of coins x Crypto last price x Annual Percentage charge / 360
We have a useful Swap calculator you can use to estimate the Swap incurred on trades:
Examples: If you buy 100 (hundred) shares of Apple Inc (AAPL.O) at the price of $140 and hold them for one night at an annual rate of -2.8597 %, the charge will be -$1.11.
If you are short 2.0 lots (200k) of EURUSD for 2 nights, and the swap fee in points is -0.5739 then the swap charge will be -$2.29 ($20 pip value X -0.5739 X 2 nights /10 )