
Mt5-orderin toimeenpano
Mt5-orderin toimeenpano
Market toimeenpano
Market toimeenpano
Mt5-orderin toimeenpanoFloating spreadit
Minimi: 34.00Keskitaso: 75.63
Market Hours*Closed Now
Market Hours*Closed Now
Limit ja Stop-taso4
1 tick arvo0.01 GBX
Minimisopimuskoko0.01 share
Minimihinnan heilahtelu0.01 GBX
Vähimmäisaskel sopimuskoon nostamiseen0.01 share
Marginaalivaatimukset avata uusi positio*0
Maksimi treidikoko1000
Maksimialttius per osake per tili,USD100 000

Vain jos marginaalitaso <100%

<p>Spreadit ovat heijastuksia aika-painotetusta keskiarvosta 09:00 - 21:00 (GMT) 01/04/2020 - 30/06/2020. Vaikka FxPro yrittää tarjota kilpailukykyisiä tuottoja kaikilla treidaustunneilla, asiakkaiden tulisi huomata, että nämä voivat vaihdella ja ovat alttiita markkinaolosuhteille. Edellä mainittu on tarkoitettu vain ohjeellisiin tarkoituksiin. Asiakkaita kehotetaan tarkistamaan tärkeät uutiset talouskalenteristamme, mikä voi johtaa spreadien laajentumiseen muun muassa. </p> <p> NZDUSD, AUDUSD-spreadit voivat vaihdella ilmoitetun maksimimäärän yli joka keskiviikko, 08:00 - 11:00 (GMT). </p> Dynaaminen vipuvaikutus koskee MT4, MT5 ja cTrader. Lisätietoja on osoitteessa <a href='/leverage-information'> </a>

Edellä mainitut erot ovat sovellettavissa normaaleissa valuuttakaupan olosuhteissa. FxPro: lla on oikeus muuttaa edellä mainittuja eroja markkinaehtojen mukaisesti.

How we execute Share CFDs

When you open a share CFD position with us, it will be aggregated and matched with other FxPro clients’ positions in the same market. Any excess exposure from our predefined in-house limits is hedged with our liquidity providers.

Minimum Trade size

The minimum trade size for Shares CFDs varies depending on the specific stock, with 1.0 lot being equal to 1 share.

FxPro:n yritystoimet

Stock CFDs are not physical shares thus do not hold any voting rights. Price adjustments may be applied to eliminate the impact on clients’ trading accounts from a corporate action. Margin requirements may be subject to change before earnings announcements or any corporate action.


Swap rates are calculated based on the interbank rate of the underlying stock’s base currency plus/minus a mark-up (FxPro interest). For example, long positions will be charged with the relevant interbank rate plus the mark-up, while short positions will receive the relevant interbank rate minus the mark-up and borrow fee (depending on the short interest of the underlying stock).

Trading hours

Trading hours for shares are defined by the market hours of the relevant exchange. However, please note that FxPro shall delay market opening by 1 minute and close early by 1 minute to avoid the increased spreads witnessed during these times. Therefore the trading times are as follows:

UK/European Shares: 08:01-16:29
American Shares: 14:31 to 20:59
*UK time


Dividends If you hold an open position on shares or Indices at the start of the business day (Server Time 00:00), which coincides with the ex-date of the respective underlying asset, a dividend is paid (or charged in the case of short positions). For Buy positions, the payment will be net of any withholding tax implications.
Withholding taxes depend on the country where the stock is domiciled, and clients are responsible for reporting withholding taxes in their respective country of residence.

Centamin plc is a renowned gold mining company in the Arabian-Nubian Shield, listed on the FTSE 250 index.

It is based in London, Mount Pleasant, Alexandria and Jersey. Shares are traded on two exchanges at once: the London Stock Exchange and the Toronto Stock Exchange. However, CEY.L was first listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in 1970.

In 1999, through the takeover of Pharaoh Gold Mines, the Centamin Egypt brand was formed to conduct gold exploration in Egypt. In 2005, the combined company received temporary use of 160 square kilometres for gold mining as a part of the Sukari Gold project in the eastern desert of Egypt.

News on classic gold, and even the US dollar, can also affect the quotes of mining companies. You can join this market by opening an account with FxPro and proceeding to the trading platform or app. Our clients can Buy and Sell CFD on shares and speculate on the changes in the asset price. This is convenient because you can set the trade volume by yourself, as well as any stop loss or take profit levels.

First, take a look at the online chart and decide whether to include Centamin plc in your trading portfolio. Like all hot stocks, they can be extremely volatile, so be aware of risk management rules. This and more is covered in this free online training course on the FxPro website.

If you need help, you can always contact the FxPro support team by phone, email or online chat. Please note that the share price shown on this page is for informational purposes only. You can find the most accurate Bid and Ask quotes directly on the FxPro trading platforms.

Among the additional tools helping you make informed decisions are the Economic and Dividend Calendar and analytical resources provided by FxPro.

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