
MT4 MultiTerminal sallii asiakkaiden hallita monta MT4-tiliä, yhdestä terminaalista tuen kanssa, erilaisiin treidin kokoon kohdistettuihin metodeihin.
Mt5-orderin toimeenpano
Market toimeenpano
Market toimeenpano
cTraderFloating spreadit
Minimi: 12.50Keskitaso: 13.46
Market Hours*Open Now
Market Hours*Open Now
Limit ja Stop-taso0
1 tick arvo0.00001
Minimisopimuskoko0.01 lot
1:n erän koko1 BAT
1 PIP-arvo per 1 erä USD:ssa0.00001 USD
Vähimmäisaskel sopimuskoon nostamiseen0.01 lot
Marginaalivaatimukset avata uusi positio*0
ToimeenpanotyyliMarket (irrelevant of platform or Account type)

Vain jos marginaalitaso <100%

<p>Spreadit ovat heijastuksia aika-painotetusta keskiarvosta 09:00 - 21:00 (GMT) 01/04/2020 - 30/06/2020. Vaikka FxPro yrittää tarjota kilpailukykyisiä tuottoja kaikilla treidaustunneilla, asiakkaiden tulisi huomata, että nämä voivat vaihdella ja ovat alttiita markkinaolosuhteille. Edellä mainittu on tarkoitettu vain ohjeellisiin tarkoituksiin. Asiakkaita kehotetaan tarkistamaan tärkeät uutiset talouskalenteristamme, mikä voi johtaa spreadien laajentumiseen muun muassa. </p> <p> NZDUSD, AUDUSD-spreadit voivat vaihdella ilmoitetun maksimimäärän yli joka keskiviikko, 08:00 - 11:00 (GMT). </p> Dynaaminen vipuvaikutus koskee MT4, MT5 ja cTrader. Lisätietoja on osoitteessa <a href='/leverage-information'> </a>

Edellä mainitut erot ovat sovellettavissa normaaleissa valuuttakaupan olosuhteissa. FxPro: lla on oikeus muuttaa edellä mainittuja eroja markkinaehtojen mukaisesti.


In 2017, the creators of the BAT coin held one of the most successful crowd sales in history: in just 30 seconds, they managed to sell coins for $36 million. By the end of the ICO, users bought up the Basic Attention Tokens (as the abbreviation stands for) to $1 billion.

Of course, the project immediately attracted everyone's attention. How did the developers do it? Some analysts were leaning toward a well-thought-out advertising campaign; others were convinced that the BAT founder shook up his personal brand and lured users with his authority.

In any case, the story about limited-issue tokens worked very well. In total, $1.5 billion worth of coins were issued. Most of them were sold during the ICO.

So, the creators had $500 million worth of tokens left in their hands. They decided to distribute them as follows: 300 thousand went to new users acquisition, and 200 thousand were pledged for the development of the project and salaries for IT specialists.

Why is this token so attractive? Its idea is that for BATs, sellers can buy time and virtual space for advertising across online platforms. All that happens entirely natively in the new browser Brave, created by the same company. There is an increased level of confidentiality of operations, and the displayed content is exclusively relevant to users' interests. It's understood that there would be a continuous circulation of BAT coins within this system, so now they migrate from buyers' to sellers' wallets – and vice versa.